Monday, May 21, 2007

Skull. L, le fake anti-virus Symbian qui crâne

F-Secure vient de trouver un virus au joli sobriquet de Skulls. L dans ses éprouvettes, une variante du délicieux trojan SymbPS/Skulls. C. La seule différence entre l'un et l'autre est que le nouvel opus fait tiquer : il se fait passer stream une copie pirate de F-Secure Mobile Anti Virus. De nombreux usagers, illiterate que l'éditeur suggest un tel produit, seront d'une region heureux de l'apprendre, et d'autre region éventuellement piégés par le traquenard.
Evidemment, à l'exécution du fichier SIS, plutôt que de protéger, ce fake anti-virus va suivre boy funeste dessein. L'asticot va ainsi remplacer plusieurs applications du système afin d'implanter les désopilants vers Cabir. F et Cabir. G. Un ver ca va, mais deux. Skull en profite stream désactiver des programmes normalement utiles stream la désinfection, tels FExplorer ou EFilman. Ceux qui auraient en outre un télételephone avec l'antivirus F-Secure Mobile, verront l'ancienne edition peut-être désactivée, même si en principe le curriculum est able de détecter le parasite.
Skull. L va en outre réduire quelque peu les fonctions multimédias de votre appareil puisque on ne pourra plus que téléphoner ou répondre (n'est ce pas là l'essentiel. Tout le reste, SMS, MMS, photograph numérique, etc. sera désactiv.
A l'facility, manuelle, le plus significant est parait-il de ne pas rebooter le télételephone et de suivre les instructions données sur la page dédiée de l'éditeur. Pour ceux qui auraient des suspicions sur la salubrité de leur appareil, notons que Skull affiche "F-Secure Antivirus defend you against the virus. And wear`t leave to update this!" à boy lancement. De même, les icônes de l'interface utilisateur sont remplacés par de sémillantes têtes de mort (skull signifiant crâne en anglais. Remarquez, il pourrait avoir un sure succès chez les gothiques, non

SimWorks Anti-virus for Symbian (UIQ and Series 60)

Protect your telephone from viruses with Simworks Anti-Virus. SimWorks Anti-Virus actively scans and protects your telephone from viruses. Unlike new products which run from a PC, SimWorks Anti-Virus really runs on your telephone then you're protected 24x7, not just at your desktop. Simworks Anti-Virus features:
SimWorks Anti-Virus protects telephone's from known viruses including the newly discovered Cabir virus and is compatible with all phones using the Symbian operating structure such as the UIQ (SonyEricsson P800/P900/P910) and Series 60 (Nokia 3650, Nokia 6600, Sendo X.
What could a virus do?

permanently burn out your SIM card;

delete your address book;

randomly send pictures from your phone's camera to people in your address book;

make an expensive overseas phone call;

use your phone to send SMS spam; or

clock up expensive data charges

McAfee Offer Anti-Virus For Symbian S60 Mobile Devices

It seems that before F-Secure released their Mobile AntiVirus application two days ago, McAfee has announced their own virus security solutions named McAfee VirusScan Mobile. This software will offer extensive mobile protection solutions that are designed to defend against and forbid mobile threats and vulnerabilities. However, it is presently being accessible simply for Cingular Wireless customers. Those fortunate mobile device users can download the anti-virus to their Symbian Series 60, Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PC or SmartPhone wireless devices. Not for available though. An annual subscribtion from McAfee through Cingular’s MediaNet Web portal is offered for $29. 99. This will include an automated, over-the-air updates against any recently discovered mobile viruses and threats.
McAfee VirusScan Mobile will seek to read, discover, and tidy your mobile information to forbid subversion payable to viruses, worms, spyware, malware, and new engineering abuses. Threats from e-mail, instant messaing, and Internet downloads will be protected, as easily as dual entrance points such as SMS, MMS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Up-to-date security is delivered as shortly as threats are identified through McAfee’s leading investigation organisation, AVERT (Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team. According to the party, they will shortly present McAfee Firewall Mobile, which provides security against hackers and data-stealing applications, monitoring both incoming and outbound communication for vicious conduct, in the second fourth of 2006.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Software for Symbian Smartphones Prompts Follow-up Calls

The InTouch software for Symbian Series 60 smartphones, from Hancheeft, is a reminder utility that enables users to schedule a telephone request and have reminded with a stable alarm when the scheduled moment is achieved. New to this software is the unusual power to schedule a request instantly after a telephone lecture is over. InTouch pops upward an expeditious asking the users whether they seek to schedule a follow-up request to the link. The same expeditious pops upward when the link amount is active and a request is not answered. Users can so schedule a repetition request at a late moment and have reminded again. Along with outgoing calls, InTouch provides this expeditious for all received and missed inbound calls. InTouch is a software associate for the telephone proprietor who doesn't seek to leave about significant telephone calls. The software can be used instead of juggling calls, contacts and dates on newspaper or in your chief. Scheduling a request is simple. If you are doing it from the phonebook, you need to choose a telephone amount from

Spodtronic 2

Spodtronic permette di trasformare il cellulare in un Jukebox interattivo. Con questo software è possibile ascoltare wireless trasmesse in streaming e podcast direttamente sul dispositivo mobile. Inoltre l'utente può visualizzare una serie di informazioni go
nome della canzone;
nome dell'artista;
immagine dell'artista;
cover dell'album;

ShootSend 3.2.4

ShootSend permette di inviare immagini, file vocali e testo attraverso il dispositivo mobile verso utenti Skype, indirizzi email. Il traffico effettuato addebitato in home alle tariffe del supplier utilizzato. È possibile visualizzare i contatti online e filtrarli per nome, paese, età e sesso. L'utente può visualizzare i messaggi inviati e inviati dal portale Web.

Maxinote 1.16

Maxinote permette di creare in maniera facile e veloce messaggi di testo e tone personali. Gli inserimenti avvengono tramite un'interfaccia di inserimento che viene visualizzata sullo schermo. Per una maggiore usabilità l'utente piò personalizzare le celle di inserimento con i caratteri o le parole utilizzate più di frequente. È possibile salvare i messaggi in una delle seguenti cartelle predefinite: general; draft; template; to make; safe susceptible information (protetta da codifica perl la memorizzazione di password. Dai il tuo giudizio su Maxinote 1. 16: Ottimo Buono Sufficiente Mediocre Scarso commenti

Compatibilità Symbian
Software house Mobystar (tutte le schede pubblicate)
Download 12
Data inserimento 18 Maggio 2007
Licenza Shareware
Limitazioni Salvataggi disabilitati
Lingua Inglese

Smart Call Manager 5.23.15

Automatisez les conversations et prenez le contrôle overall de vos appels! Smart Call Manager stream Symbian OS est une suite compréhensive stream gérer les appels entrants et sortants, enregistrer chacune des conversations, installer et utiliser la car de réponse (Answering Machine), créer et utiliser votre propre texte de content tribunal (SMS) et les messages audio stream automatiser votre activité téléphonique (Dictaphone intégré n'est pas du boast exigé – les sons sons enregistrés à l'aide de mike intégré) et beaucoup d'autre. Faites de votre smartphone votre aide tout-en-un et répondez aux appels entrants avec un seul bouton

Symbian OS v9 - Advances in Symbian OS

Symbian, creators of the world's leading smartphone platform, announced version 9 of their operating system earlier this year. Changes to version 9, combined with those in version 8, are probably the most significant so far. Symbian OS version 8 saw the availability of a new hard real-time kernel (EKA2) and version 9 introduced major advances in platform security. This article focuses on the key changes in Symbian OS and their impact on software development, further articles will cover advances in Series 60 and UQ user interface platforms.

As is usually the case with whole number revisions of Symbian OS this means a total binary compatibility (BC) break with previous versions. Hence some APIs have changed and extensive new functionality and APIs are present. However, the introduction of version 9 also means new tool chains are now required- specifically a new compiler. The good news is that this brings a reduced ROM footprint and moderately increased execution performance.

EKA2 Kernel
The new multithreaded kernel (EKA2) provides predictable (hard) real-time performance and was introduced in Symbian OS v8 as an alternative to the original kernel (EKA1); EKA2 became standard in version 9. Prior to EKA2, all Symbian based devices required dual chip (CPU) hardware platforms, as it was not possible to have one processor supporting the applications and cellular interactions simultaneously. Predictable real time operation means that the OS will respond to interrupts, system and user threads within a known period. So any task in the system cannot prevent the OS from responding to key tasks (such as telephony stacks) that must be serviced within a given time if data is not to be lost or corrupted.

Single chip hardware solutions for Symbian OS based phones are now possible, thus reducing the bill of materials (BOM) significantly. In addition to allowing direct implementation of telephony stacks, the new kernel provides much better support for media‑rich applications, fast action games and protocols such as VoIP. The new kernel also allows easier creation of device drivers - since multiple kernel threads can be used in a device driver and because the overall device driver architecture is much improved.

EKA2 now supports global write‑able static data (WSD) in DLLs that, although strongly discouraged in well-designed Symbian OS code, does ease the problem of porting legacy code to Symbian OS devices, where EKA2 is implemented. Since applications are App DLLs this applies to applications too. Version 9 of Symbian OS is based on EKA2 but the application format has changed from App DLL to EXE. Write‑able static data is therefore allowed in all applications from version 9 onwards. The change of application format, from version 9 onwards, has a number of other effects on the configuration of application source code files and build/configuration files, but these are only minor.

Platform Security
The platform security framework in Symbian OS v9 is aimed at maintaining confidentiality for private data and to limit API access to sensitive operations. It involves three important concepts:
Data caging controls access to the file system so that data privacy can be securely controlled. Each application has its own directory for storing private data and other directories containing resources and executables have limitations on access. This allows applications to guarantee a secure data store e.g. for e‑commerce. An application can access other directories marked as open but cannot access another application's private directory.
The Capability Model ensures that only trusted applications, created via digital certification (i.e. “Symbian Signed”), are able to use certain APIs and system resources. The three levels of permissions are for “Unsigned Applications”, “Symbian Signed basic” and “Symbian Signed extended” with the latter providing the widest access. Around 60% of Symbian OS v9 APIs are available without restrictions.
The Trusted Computing Base (TCB) includes the kernel, file system, and software installer. Only applications with the necessary permissions and authority are allowed to access restricted areas of the device.

The aims are to protect the integrity of the phone, provide extra control over user billable events and to prevent rather than detect and react to malicious software that may try to corrupt executables and data. The Symbian Signed program defines development, operational and testing standards while building in accountability to applications so they are traceable back to the developer or publisher. The certification process only applies to native C++ application and not to JavaTM applications. However, installation of JavaTM MIDP 2.0 MIDlets, including authentication of MIDlets using digital signatures is supported in version 9.

Development and Testing

Initial development, testing and debugging takes place on an emulator that allows full API access control. Emulators can be configured to run in a number of ways; the settings can be changed by adding keywords to the emulator's initialisation file (by default \epoc32\data\epoc.ini). For example using “PlatSecEnforcement On” enables platform security enforcement and “PlatSecEnforcement Off” disables it.

When an application is ready for debugging and testing on the target phone, Developer Certificates provide controlled access to restricted APIs on the device itself. Developer Certificates are locked to specific target phones (via IMEI/ESN number) and allow applications to be tested on a standard target phone only and limit the capabilities that the signed application can access. Registration on the Symbian Signed website is required in order to apply for a Developer Certificate.


Full details of the process of getting a .SIS file signed with a trusted certificate for Symbian Signed can be found at The essential steps needed are:

Obtain an ACS Publisher ID, to have the developer identity confirmed
Create a .SIS file for the application
Sign the .SIS file with the ACS publisher ID key and submit it (zipped, along with the .PKG file and the user documentation) to a selected Test House
Test House ensures signature is valid, installs .SIS file and tests it.
If .SIS file passes validation the .SIS is re-signed with a Content Certificate linked to the Symbian root and which has a unique identifier.
The application is now Symbian Signed.
Costs and Benefits
The changes in Symbian OS version 9 will have a significant impact on developers; the key effects are listed below.

Given extended support for single chip devices the costs of production for some devices could be significantly reduced thereby encouraging demand. Increased volumes of cheaper Symbian OS based phones are likely to enter the market.

Developers will benefit from the real time kernel services as they enable Voice over IP (VoIP) and high bandwidth multimedia applications such as video streaming.

EKA2 provides enhanced process emulation in the Win 32 emulator ensuring a more faithful emulation of the target hardware - so less on-target debugging and WINS platform-specific code is required. Porting of legacy code is made easier.

Developing (or porting) for v9 based devices will involve some new complexity due to the platform security changes. Unsigned applications are very restricted in what they can do, thus reducing the probability of malicious software affecting phones and networks. During the development phase of a project, a Symbian developer certificate is needed to test an application that uses any of the restricted APIs on a device. An R&D certificate is required for testing an application on a specific phone

There are additional costs associated with Symbian Signed certification - education, design, coding, testing and signing charges and new tools (compiler) are needed to move to version 9 developments.

This framework will present restrictions for individual developers that do not wish to go through the Symbian Signed certification process. Additionally there are various levels of certification available for the range of platform stakeholders; Symbian OS licensees will be granted more extensive access than a third-party developer.

Symbian signing, effectively mandatory for complex applications, will promote increased consumer and distributor confidence regarding the safety, security and efficiency of applications for sale. Operators will have increased protection for their networks and brands.

Future Directions
Key areas of future development for Symbian devices includes:

Enhanced games development - the introduction of a real time kernel allows the development of faster and media‑rich games.

Symbian OS continues to build on outstanding music and video capabilities that maximize the entertainment value of applications.

Enterprise applications - Symbian OS v9 addresses concerns raised about security of application data and communications

Smartphones are gaining greater market share at the expense of other handheld devices. However, mobile enterprise communications will be increasingly accessible to smartphone developers

Support for variations in device hardware through single and dual-chip devices will allow market segmentation through device configurations with a wider range of form factors and price. Symbian devices will move into the mid price range and at the top end we will see significantly enhanced functionality.

Series 60 v3

Series 60 Platform 3rd Edition (Series 60 3.x) builds on Series 60 Platform 2nd Edition (Series 60 2.x), extending existing technologies and capabilities plus providing access to many new ones. Series 60 3.x is built on top of Symbian OS v9.1, which provides some new challenges for Series 60 developers- partially because it is not backwards compatible with earlier versions of the platform.

Symbian OS v9.1
The core changes in Series 60 3.x arising from the introduction of Symbian OS v9.1 as the base platform are:

Introduction of the Real-Time Kernel with predictable execution times for many kernel services and reduced latency times. This change may have significant impact for licensees as it enables the introduction of single-chip phone solutions. As a side-effect of this, the quality of the emulator has improved as it now shares the same core kernel as the target version and so correctly mimics the threadprocess model of a hardware device.

Amongst the issues this creates for developers are the numerous APIs that have changed from Client-Server interactions upwards, which causes both binary and source compatibility to be broken in many areas. However, it also introduces the capability to produce true real-time applications and enhanced application performance.

Platform Security - the introduction of Data Caging and the Capability Model means that applications have restricted access to the data storage of other applications and must request permission to use various system APIs.

This will cause some compatibility issues for developers porting their applications to the new platform and in many cases will require applications to be Symbian Signed to gain access to some APIs and ensure the best user experience.

The development tool chain now uses ARM ABI (Application Binary Interface)-based compilers for target builds-for example the ARM RealView® RVCT compiler or a customised version of the GCC compiler. These provide support for the ARM v5 processor instruction set, but will make little direct difference to developers in coding terms.

Many new APIs are provided as part of Symbian OS v9.1 including USB support, OMA Device Management 1.1.2, Over-The-Air OMA Client Provisioning v1.1, RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) stack and a new Bluetooth (1.2) stack with support for Bluetooth eSCO (extended Synchronous Connection-Oriented link)-which provides more robustness for voice data in a crowded frequency band-and Bluetooth Stereo headset profiles.

Updates to existing APIs, such as PIM changes to support group scheduling and an expanded Java solution including CLDC 1.1 (JSR 139), Mobile Media API (JSR 135), Java API for Bluetooth (JSR 082), Wireless Messaging (JSR 120), Mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR 184) and the Personal Information Management and File Server APIs (JSR 075), also provide many new opportunities for developers.

Series 60 3.x
As well as the many changes introduced by Symbian OS v9.1, Series 60 Platform 3rd Edition has various changes of its own. Series 60 3.x focuses on enhanced mobile Multimedia and Enterprise functionality while retaining all of the features of Series 60 Platform 2nd Edition. It also provides improved platform architecture and customisation enablers.

Some of the main categories of change are summarised below.

Many Messaging, PIM and Synchronisation improvements have been made including support for Synchronised/Always-On/Push Email, with potential for handling of Meeting Requests in a unified Group Scheduling solution.

Instant Messaging (IM) APIs allow developers to use and launch IM services via an ECom interface.

A SyncML API supporting OMA Device Synchronisation v1.2 allows developers to call on functions to carry out synchronization tasks from inside their applications. SyncML features for this release include:
Backward compatibility with SyncML v1.0.1.
Compatibility with extensions for SyncML Email.
Compatibility with current and future servers such as IBM WebSphere and Oracle Collaboration Suite SyncML server.

Complementary offerings in the Enterprise space include MS Office viewer applications for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel files, with Adobe PDF viewing also planned.


Multimedia provides support for version 2 of the OMA DRM API and a stand-alone music player with equalisation, audio visualisation and Active Idle plugin support. This improves the usability as well as the security of protected content and the music player makes access to online music content much easier.

An FM Radio API can be used to control hardware where available.

Support for SD card and Mini SD card is provided and music and other content can be more easily transferred between PC and mobile devices as connectivity adds USB Mass Storage Device Class support, such that a mobile device can be connected to any PC via USB and be seen as an external disk for easy data transfer without the need to install new device drivers.

The EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) API supports EXIF headers for compressed JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files intended to enhance interoperability between imaging devices- especially digital cameras-many of which use this format.

Complementary offerings in the Multimedia space include a Macromedia Flash Lite 1.1 player.


Scalable UI support continues with 176x208 + landscape, QVGA + landscape and 352x416 + landscape support in Series 60 3.0, with more configurations to come. Side or bottom soft keys are handled by the Rotation Framework, which enables developers to create smarter applications for a better user experience, and the Thin Status Pane enables a 3x4 icon Application Menu.

Active Idle support is expanded to allow licensee plug-ins and configurable positioning, with a News Ticker provided for Cell Broadcast or UDP-borne data.

QWERTY keyboard support is added to the platform alongside the standard ITU-T (numeric) keyboard support and many look-and-feel changes such as 3D menu animations and transition effects will start to filter into the platform.


New Java APIs include the following:
Scalable 2D Vector Graphics (JSR 226)-rendering of scalable 2-D vector graphics, including image files in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. Applications could include map visualisation, scalable icons, and other advanced graphics manipulation.
Security and Trust Services (JSR 177)-extending the security features of Java™ 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME™) through the addition of cryptographic APIs, digital signature service, and user credential management.
QWERTY mode key mapping-as well as the standard ITU-T keyboard support.
Location API (JSR 179)-providing GPS and landmark information.
SIP API (JSR 180)- the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signalling protocol that is used to establish and control multimedia communication sessions on networks that use the Internet Protocol (IP). Applications can range from two-way phone calls with dynamic addressing to Push-To-Talk and video conferencing.
Wireless Messaging API (WMA) 2.0 (JSR 205)-providing access to MMS, allowing Java developers to create messages that contain images and sounds as well as text.


Location APIs provide basic GPS information with landmark support. This offers developers the option to produce applications that can respond to a user's current location and use location-related information-which has huge potential for a vast range of services, such as locality-based data queries-for example, finding the nearest restaurant or cinema.

Telephony adds support for VoIP (Voice over IP) and PoC (Push-To-Talk over Cellular). Networking sees the addition of IPv6 and WLAN support, with WLAN Voice over Internet Protocol (WLAN VoIP) allowing the user to make calls over the Internet using wireless local area networks.

The Find Item API provides a common enabler for searching for data in a string-such as phone numbers, Email addresses, and URLs-and for providing common context-dependent actions after the search such as adding a number or address to Contacts, calling, sending a message, copying and pasting, going to a given URL, saving as bookmark, and so on. Series 60 Platform 3rd Edition implements a 3GPP standard public SIP API and SDK for SIP application development.

An API that controls the turning on and off of the backlight is now available. This removes the need to monitor inactivity time when the user wants to keep the backlight on.

Web Services Basic Profile support-XML 1.0, HTTP 1.1 and SOAP 1.1 are provided through both C++ and Java APIs. These APIs offer ways to establish connections and to store, retrieve, and manage service information.

Some restructuring of Internationalisation support has been made to allow for easier implementation of region/country language variants. Dynamic language switching will be available in later releases without a binary break.


There is an alternative to circuit-switched voice calls that has become very popular recently, especially in the US. It is called push-to-talk (PTT).
Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC) is a half-duplex, two-way communication service. It basically works like a walkie-talkie, where only one participant at a time is allowed to speak. PTT is not meant to be a replacement for normal circuit-switched voice calls, but was designed for a quick exchange of information between users.
It is very easy to use a PTT application. The user selects a contact from the contacts list (which typically also displays the presence status of the contact) and holds down the dedicated PTT button while speaking. The voice is immediately transferred to the other call participant(s) in real time.
Until now, only proprietary protocols were used to implement PTT functionality. However, in order to guarantee interoperability, the open mobile alliance (OMA) is in the process of specifying an open standard for PTT. OMA members include wireless vendors like Nokia or Motorola, information technology companies, mobile network operators as well as application and content providers. At the time of writing, the latest version of this standard is candidate version 1.0 (6th of October, 2005) [1]. A number of OMA-compliant servers and clients are currently under development.
What are the main building blocks of a PTT system? Apart from a PoC client, there is obviously a need for a PoC server as well. The PoC server's responsibility is to allow clients to register and to manage PTT sessions. As soon as a PoC session is established, the client can transmit audio data.
The user's contact lists are stored on the shared XML document management (XDM) server. These lists are stored in an application-independent format and therefore can be shared with other applications. PTT-specific data structures like PoC groups are stored on the PoC XDM server. In order to access any XDM server, an aggregation proxy implements an HTTP proxy that forwards any incoming requests from the client to the appropriate XDM server.
As mentioned above, presence is a feature which is supported by most PTT clients. It allows the user to view the current presence states of the contacts in the user's contacts list. Possible presence states are for example “online”, “busy” or “do not disturb”. A presence server stores the presence information and notifies the client about presence changes. The user can also set his or her own presence. Presence functionality is optional for OMA PoC.
Another optional building block of a PTT system is the device provisioning and management (DM) server. It is used to initialise and update all configuration parameters necessary for the PoC client.
In addition to “normal” one-to-one PTT calls, the OMA specification describes calls which involve a group of subscribers. Pre-arranged groups contain a number of contacts and can be called by selecting the group in the PTT application and pressing the PTT button. Ad-hoc groups only exist during the lifetime of the call. The user has to select the group participants before calling this group. When a pre-arranged or ad-hoc group is initiated, all members of the group are invited to the call. This is not the case with chat groups. A chat group is a group where users can join and leave whenever they like. In order to share groups, group advertisement is defined.
So how does PTT really work? Under the hood of a PoC client, a number of important protocols exchange messages with a server.
The first is the session initiation protocol (SIP). It is a general purpose protocol which can be used to establish any kind of session. It is used to register with the server and send invite messages which start a session. SIP uses the session description protocol (SDP) to agree on media parameters for a PoC session.
For the transmission of audio data between clients, the real-time transport protocol (RTP) as well as the RTP control protocol (RTCP) are used. The latter is used to ensure the quality of the audio channel.
Before the user can speak, the client has to request the floor from the server. This is necessary to guarantee that only one participant at a time is allowed to transmit audio data. When the server receives such a request it can allow or reject it. Additionally, the server can revoke the right to speak any time. The protocol that is used for floor control is called talk burst control protocol (TBCP) and is uses RTCP messages for the exchange of information.
For the implementation of a fully OMA-compliant PoC solution, several hundred pages of specifications have to be read, understood, and correctly implemented. It is no surprise that most implementations wouldn't be able to interoperate smoothly without any testing. In order to ensure interoperability between PTT solutions, the OMA regularly hosts so-called TestFestivals or TestFests. During this event, OMA members can test cross-vendor combinations and make sure they interoperate correctly.
To summarise, PTT is a solution which has its place alongside circuit-switched and voice-over-IP calls. Its main advantage is instant access, simplicity, as well as the efficient use of network resources. But the functionality described above is only the beginning of a whole series of so-called push-to-X services. Like PTT, the point of these services is instant access. Examples are push-to-view, which allows users to share images during a PTT call or push-to-find, where location information is transferred.

Nokia S60 Firmware History - 3250

Changes when upgrading from firmware v3.18 to v3.21
Messaging Handling of mailbox improved when the content is moved to MMC Handling of multiple received pages improved
Browser Music and video content handling improved Bookmark handling improved for Kimono browser
Misc USSD string handling improved Capital city list updated (in 1st time start up) Field ordering improved in phonebook Handling of EGPRS streaming improved Midlet icon handling improved, when application are used from memory card Handling of Bluetooth headset improved Handling of DRM file improved Operator list updated

Java ME: De-fragmentation

The deployment of the Java ME Platform over a wide range of phones has resulted in slightly different solutions for a given application on each phone. This is common practice today, often resulting in 400 or more different executables for a given title. However, this is not a sustainable way of delivering software as it is expensive to develop, test and sign, deliver, and maintain a different executable for each phone. Continuing this practice will result in ever increasing operational costs and the possibility of the Java ME Platform becoming a commercial failure.
A better plan is to deliver software that is more adaptable and will run on a wide range of devices as this practice will greatly reduce the number of versions of the executable. Some commercial and complex applications have proven that this is possible by covering hundreds of phones with a handful of versions using straightforward programming techniques.
This aim (to de-fragment) is backed by many significant bodies in the industry and is now possible due to increased capability of the devices. It is no longer necessary for most applications to squeeze the limits of the device. In fact, improved programming techniques can be used to accommodate variations such as screen size, keyboard values or memory. As in standard programming, these variations can and should be handled by the application.

Nokia Series 60 Firmware History - N70

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v5.0609.2.0.1 to v5.0638.3.0.1:
Support for the AD-41 has been added in 5.0638.3.0.1. AD-41 provides remote control for Music Player and Radio functions. Note: the functionality of AD-41 with N70 is not identical to that of other products as the Music Player is different.
In the Music Player main menu, the stop, next/ffwd, back/rwd keys have no response when a track is playing.
In the Music Player sub menus, the play, stop, next/ffwd, back/rwd and volume keys have no response while a track is playing.
In the Active Standby UI (i.e. when music is playing in the background), the volume control graphic is not updated when track volume changes are made using the AD-41 volume keys.
AD-41 also has an integrated mic and provides call handling controls; accept incoming call, end call, voice dialling using SIND feature and in call volume control.
New themes have been introduced with a new default theme for the Music Edition.
In the Music Edition, the Music Access Key replaces the Multimedia Key (sometime called the operator key). This is not user configurable and locked to always give instant access to the Music Player application with a short press. A long press gives instant access to the Visual Radio application.
Week 19 of the Access Point Configurator (APC) is included in this build
Bluetooth connectivity: N616 carkit IOP improvements.
radio & musicplayer use theme background
gallery is faster
Yahoo search included
operator Oscar CZ now named Vodafone CZ
restart via 3rd party apps no longer possible
Flashlight app isn't working anymore

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v3.0546.2.3 to v5.0609.2.0.1:
A note implemented to the end user when activating Bluetooth from “Settings” menu, if the Bluetooth profile is set to hidden.
Reliability of Bluetooth connectivity improved.
Audio quality of voice command with BT headsets improved.

Music Player Improvements
Scanning both phone & MMC memory.
Better playlist support.
Active Idle plugin support.
Improve supported media.
Better support for Albums & Artist meta data.

The X-Oma-Drm-SD header implemented.

User Interface
Sensitivity of Brightness Modification in Image Editor increased.
Flash lite support in Media Gallery reintroduced.
Speed of Returning from sequence post-capture view with many images increased.
Active Standby icon for e-mail correctly aligned.
Autolock/Anykey relationship realigned.
Night mode icon modified.
PIN code request sequence set correctly. Sleep mode behavior now appropriate

Camera StartUp time improved.
Camera behavior in relation to “keypad lock” improved.
Switching to secondary camera in video mode when burst is enabled.
Sequencing improved.
Sequence capture behavioral improvements when application closes.
Closing Left Navi Key no longer adversely affects saving sequence images.
Long sequence capture retains images.
Error note handling improved.

Inserting MMC will not close Gallery.
When adding thumbnails from folder - images now shown.
Added Image resolution is correctly aligned.
Slide show with music. Improvements in audio level settings and call handling behaviour.
Image counter updated when memory card is replaced.
Music Player allows battery low warnings to be displayed.
JPEG decoding improved.

Notepad now opens large text files.
Creating audio-only clip in high quality mode (MP4) allowed.
MMS postcard name entering improved.
Access point configurator application and database improvements.
Chinese language FM radio: Selecting profile sequence corrected.

View certificate details for DRM content displayed correctly.
Opening OMA DRM protected audio/mp3 files in Browser facilitated.

Handset stability improved when using SAT menu originated SMS services.
'Memory card not available' note disappears when appropriate after closing embedded app.

When search label is used for selecting the attachment to MMS, correct sequence takes place.
Wrongly formatted SIP addresses no longer cause handset to freeze.

Video Sharing/Streaming
VS Cancel sequence correctly aligned.
Real player closing sequence after ISHO realigned.
“Video Sharing" prompts now appear when appropriate.

Call Processing
Correct response to MO when MT ignores an invite in place.
Emergency number update according to regulations.
Alternative “Ringtone” issue resolved.
Simultaneous Video call and SMS receipt prompts correct ring tones.

Cellular Signaling
Video telephony Inter Operability optimized.
RSSI measurements in 2G re-evaluated.

Performance has been maximized by improving the 2G > 3G reselection algorithm.

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v 2.0536.0.2 to 3.0546.2.3:
Audio routing corrected for HS-4W , HS-26W & HS-11W headsets & HS-6W Car HF
Audio distortion when connected to HS-4W & HS-11W has been corrected
Pairing problem with Nokia 770 corrected
PC Suite correctly identifies bluetooth name in phone after restoring backup

Camera (Still / Video Capture)
Correction made to enable “Easy share” after image capture
Erroneous memory full note removed after starting video capture
Video capture quality menu: improved scrolling speed
Sequence mode capture reliability improvements
Reliability improvement to image sending via Bluetooth
Option to reset user scenes now works
Video recording audio quality in Night mode improved
Minor video encoder improvements for colour capture
Multimedia Key
No longer disables security lock under certain conditions

If system loading prevents user defined ringtone play then fall back now implemented to play backup ringtone
Improvements to contact name matching with SIND
Improvements to SIND performance following resynchronisation of contacts via Bluetooth from PC Suite
Improvements to AAC decoding

Browser no longer crashes browser application
Browser no longer crashes when ROP closed when a streaming link is set on the homepage
WAP push messages can now be deleted by using the C key
Audio/MPEG MIME type now recognized for downloaded music

Media Gallery
Slideshow no longer stops if selected items include DRM expired images or animated GIFs
Improved Chinese file name handling in Gallery

Improved reliability of reconnection to users mailbox
Improvement in handling malformed email headers

Fix to allow viewing of SIM stored messages on certain SIM card types
Reset fixed with Ukrainen SIM
Improved handling of StarHub & T-Mobile SIM cards

Cellular Signalling
Location update improvements in 2G on Ericsson Infrastructure
USSD alerting enabled

SD download improvements

Image printing
Opening an image which is already opened in another application no longer crashes the phone
Improved handling of large (several MBytes) images

Improvement in termination of RTVS session if MT caller session ended by 2G reselection
Pause /resume usability improvements on video playback
Idle screen draws correctly after video streaming ended
Video Editor crash resolved when canceling MP4 conversion for MMS sending - APAC variants: input method follows language selection - previously input method remained in Arabic
Phone reset when alarm activated during playing of Snakes game is now fixed
Improvement such that following aborted USB reflash attempt, phone can be recovered by flashing via FPS-10
General Binary compatibility improvements
Handling of accented characters in filenames now more robust, especially seen in Movie Director application
Visual content handling improvements in Visual Radio Application
Message sending to multiple recipients now no longer shows corrupted UI
Improvements to Data transfer application

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v 3.0546.2.3 to 5.0609.2.0.1:
New features in MCU SW 5.0609.2.0.1:
Bluetooth: A note implemented to the end user when activating Bluetooth from "Settings" menu, if the Bluetooth profile is set to hidden.
Music Player Improvements
Scanning both phone & MMC memory
Better playlist support
Active Idle plugin support
Improve supported media
Better support for Albums & Artist meta data
Browser: The X-Oma-Drm-SD header implemented

User Interface:
Sensitivity of Brightness Modification in Image Editor increased
Flash lite support in Media Gallery reintroduced
Speed of Returning from sequence post*capture view with many images increased
Active Standby icon for e*mail correctly aligned
Autolock/Anykey relationship realigned
Night mode icon modified
PIN code request sequence set correctly. Sleep mode behavior now appropriate

Camera StartUp time improved
Camera behavior in relation to ?keypad lock? improved
Switching to secondary camera in video mode when burst is enabled: Sequencing improved.
Sequence capture behavioral improvements when application closes
Closing Left Navi Key no longer adversely affects saving sequence images
Long sequence capture retains images
Error note handling improved

Inserting MMC will not close Gallery
When adding thumbnails from folder - images now shown
Added Image resolution is correctly aligned
Slide show with music. Improvements in audio level settings and call handling behavior
Image counter updated when memory card is replaced
Music Player allows battery low warnings to be displayed
JPEG decoding improved

Notepad now opens large text files
Creating audio-only clip in high quality mode (MP4) allowed
MMS postcard name entering improved
Access point configurator application and database improvements
Chinese language FM radio: Selecting profile sequence corrected

View certificate details for DRM content displayed correctly
Opening OMA DRM protected audio/mp3 files in Browser facilitated

Handset stability improved when using SAT menu originated SMS services
'Memory card not available' note disappears when appropriate after closing embedded app

When search label is used for selecting the attachment to MMS, correct sequence takes place
Wrongly formatted SIP addresses no longer cause handset to freeze.

Reliability of Bluetooth connectivity improved
Audio quality of voice command with BT headsets improved

Video Sharing/Streaming:
VS Cancel sequence correctly aligned
Real player closing sequence after ISHO realigned
Video Sharing prompts now appear when appropriate

Call Processing:
Correct response to MO when MT ignores an invite in place.
Emergency number update according to regulations
Alternative Ringtone issue resolved
Simultaneous Video call and SMS receipt prompts correct ring tones.

Cellular Signaling:
Video telephony Inter Operability optimized
RSSI measurements in 2G re-evaluated

Performance has been maximized by improving the 2G > 3G reselection algorithm

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v5.0609.2.0.1 to v5.0616.2.0.3
Device no longer reboots after entering PIN code with a small number of USIM cards
It is now possible to send an MMS with video or audio content
The input method indicator 'Pinyin' and 'Bihui' shows correctly

Music player
Rolf PR2 Localisation problem in Music Player ("A Processar" issue) fixed
Rolf Music Player “save” query localisation fixed
Music player crash with incorrect ID3 tag date information fixed

For Telefonica
When receiving a call during a music download, the music no longer plays incorrectly

For Orange
Possibility to enable OHS for Orange variant fixed

For O2
SAT refresh voice call coordination in place
Old HomeZone information displayed correctly
HomeZone text appears after Active Idle is turned on
HomeZone & CityZone texts are now animated correctly
HomeZone icon disappears at appropriate times
SAT refresh comes through during voice call correctly
"App. closed Standby mode" issue is fixed
O2 music application download functionality fixed

Nokia Series 60 SDK

The Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS enables application development for the devices based on Series 60 platform using C++. The SDK is compatible with the Nokia 7650, Nokia 3650, the Nokia N-Gage and (probably) the forthcoming devices from Siemens, Samsung and Sendo. It includes all key functionality needed for application development (documentation, API reference, add-on tools, emulator, target compiler) and integrates with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.

Operating System : Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP SP1/SP2 or Windows NT 4 SP6
IDE : Metrowerks Codewarrior, Borland C++ Builder or Microsoft Visual C++ 6, Visual Studio .Net 2003, Carbide.c++
Which SDK to choose
Each of the above SDKs has its pros and cons. While any of these is perfectly suitable to learn how to develop on Symbian C++, there are some slight differences you must be aware of:
the v1.2 SDK is the oldest and the reference SDK if you are working on a Symbian 6.1 / Series 60 1.x based device, i.e. Nokia 7650, 3650, N-Gage, Siemens SX1 or Sendo X. However, with this SDK, you will not benefit of new APIs introduced on the 6600, 7610, ... (but your application will be compatible with these devices). The documentation (SDL) in this SDK is a little bit out-dated. Better version are available in the other.
the v2.0 SDK is the reference SDK for those working on the Nokia 6600 device (or any other Symbian OS 7.0s : series 60 v2.0 based device). Using this SDK, you will benefit of the new APIs introduced on the platform. Your application will remain compatible with 6.1 based device provided that you do not use the new APIs nor the application wizard (for Visual Studio users).
the v2.1 SDK is the reference of the Nokia 7610 (Symbian 7.0s / Series 60 v2.1). There are a few more APIs than on the v2.0 SDK. The generated code remains compatible with the Nokia 6600 phone but not the Symbian OS 6.1 based phone. This SDK has a better documentation. than the two others.
the v2 FP2 SDK is the reference SDK for the Nokia 6630 device. This device runs Symbian OS 8.0a and Series 60 Developer Platform v2 with Feature Pack 2.

In short, take the SDK that is the closest to the device you target. The v1.2 and v2.0 will give you the better compatibility with most device but are a bit old now (and internet connectivity is a little bit complex to setup). As far as I am concerned, I am working on a every day basis with the v2 FP2 SDK because the emulator seems to have been slightly enhanced on this version (more stable) and the easy internet connectivity.

How to reset/reformat a phone

It may happens that a program corrupts the C: drive of your phone. In such case, some data can be lost of course but, more annoying, some applications may not work or work only partially,...

Series 60
On a Series 60 v1 based phone (N-Gage, 3650, 7650), two key sequences will allow to restore your phone to a cleaner state:

Normal Reset (*#7780#) : Restores ini files from rom but preserves user data (photos, 3rd party apps etc)

Deep Reset (*#7370#) : This reformats completely the C: drive. All applications and files stored on this drive will be lost and clean default files will be rewritten.

In both case, the phone will ask you a confirmation and you will have to enter a security code (12345 by default).

Files and applications stored on E: drive are not be affected by these sequences.

On newer Series 60 phones (6600/6620/7610), the sequence is slightly different:
power the phone off,
press and keep down the keeys green/talk + '3' + '*', - power on the phone.
release the keys when the formatting starts.

Reformat is also possible on UIQ phones. Just after boot, when the phone waits for the PIN entry, enter the following :
enter 000, to go into emergency dialing
then using the jogdial and the keyboard, enter the following sequence:


This should bring up a secret service menu with three choices:
Informations: to access various information like software versions, IMEI, Simlock status and speech codecs supported
Tests Service: various function to test your phone hardware
Service function: to completely reformat and reset your phone.

Symbian OS Error Codes

Generic Errors
KErrNone 0
KErrNotFound -1 Unable to find the specified object
KErrGeneral -2 General (unspecified) error
KErrCancel -3 The operation was cancelled
KErrNoMemory -4 Not enough memory
KErrNotSupported -5 The operation requested is not supported
KErrArgument -6 Bad request
KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7 Total loss of precision
KErrBadHandle -8 Bad object
KErrOverflow -9 Overflow
KErrUnderflow -10 Underflow
KErrAlreadyExists -11 Already exists
KErrPathNotFound -12 Unable to find the specified folder
KErrDied -13 Closed
KErrInUse -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program
KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed
KErrServerBusy -16 Server busy
KErrCompletion -17 Completion error
KErrNotReady -18 Not ready
KErrUnknown -19 Unknown error
KErrCorrupt -20 Corrupt
KErrAccessDenied -21 Access denied
KErrLocked -22 Locked
KErrWrite -23 Failed to write
KErrDisMounted -24 Wrong disk present
KErrEof -25 Unexpected end of file
KErrDiskFull -26 Disk full
KErrBadDriver -27 Bad device driver
KErrBadName -28 Bad name
KErrCommsLineFail -29 Comms line failed
KErrCommsFrame -30 Comms frame error
KErrCommsOverrun -31 Comms overrun error
KErrCommsParity -32 Comms parity error
KErrTimedOut -33 Timed out
KErrCouldNotConnect -34 Failed to connect
KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35 Failed to disconnect
KErrDisconnected -36 Disconnected
KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37 Bad library entry point
KErrBadDescriptor -38 Bad descriptor
KErrAbort -39 Interrupted
KErrTooBig -40 Too big
KErrDivideByZero -41 Divide by zero
KErrBadPower -42 Batteries too low
KErrDirFull -43 Folder full
KErrHardwareNotAvailable -44
KErrSessionClosed -45
KErrPermissionDenied -46

Email Pop Errors
KPop3CannotConnect -170 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection
KPop3InvalidUser -171 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username
KPop3InvalidLogin -172 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173 Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon
KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174 Problem communicating with POP3 server
KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175 Panic
KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176 Panic
KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177 Panic

Email Socket Errors
KImsKErrorDNSNotFound -180 Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel
KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked -181 Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed
KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound -182
KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent -183 Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP
KImskSecuritySettingsFailed -184

Socket Errors
KErrNetUnreach -190 Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable
KErrHostUnreach -191 Could not connect to the specified server
KErrNoProtocolOpt -192 The specified server refuses the selected protocol
KErrUrgentData -193
KErrWouldBlock -1000 Conflicts with KErrExtended, but cannot occur in practice

EMail IMAP Errors
KErrImapConnectFail -200 Could not connect to IMAP4 server
KErrImapServerFail -201 The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken
KErrImapServerParse -202
KErrImapServerBusy -203 The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy
KErrImapServerVersion -204 Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version
KErrImapSendFail -205 Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server
KErrImapBadLogon -206 The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KErrImapSelectFail -207
KErrImapWrongFolder -208 Could not select an IMAP4 folder
KErrImapServerNoSecurity -209
KErrImapServerLoginDisabled -210 Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled
KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed -211 A secure connection cannot be made to this server
KErrImapCantDeleteFolder -212 This folder cannot be deleted
KDmssUnknownErr -221
KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr -222
KDmssActionAbortedErr -223
KDmssActionNotTakenErr -224
KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr -225
KDmssSyntaxErrorErr -226
KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr -227
KDmssBadSequenceErr -228
KDmssParamNotImplementedErr -229
KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr -230
KDmssExceededStorageErr -231
KDmssMailboxNameErr -232
KDmssTransactionFailedErr -233
KDmssTimeOutErr -234

Email SMTP Error
KSmtpNoMailFromErr -240 Could not send email due to an invalid return email address. Check your email address in your account settings
KSmtpUnknownErr -241 Problem while sending email
KSmtpBadMailFromAddress -242 Email message has an invalid "From" address
KSmtpBadRcptToAddress -243 Email message has an invalid "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" address
KSmtpLoginRefused -244 SMTP server refused to allow connection
KSmtpNoMsgsToSendWithActiveSettings -245 Could not send email. The messages are destined for an account different from the currently connected one.
KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed -246 Secure connection failed. Server may not accept secure connections or certificates may be expired.
KImcmHTMLPartNotPopulated -250
KImcmInvalidMessageStructure -251
KErrPop3TLSNegotiateFailed -260

BIO messaging
KBspInvalidMessage -500 "Corrupt message cannot be read."
KBspSmartMessageInvalidToken -501 "Corrupt message cannot be read."
KBspSmartMessageNoParserDefined -502 "Unknown message type cannot be read."
KIacpUnknownSmsType -510 "Left token not starting with neither 'M' nor 'I'."
KIacpBIOMsgTypeNotSupported -511 "This Bio msg is not suppported.."
KiacpMandatoryDataNotSet -512 "A mandatory Field/Value has not been found in SMS message."
KIacpUnknownMailProtocol -513 "Mailbox configuration message refers to an unknown protocol."
KIacpErrRightToken -514 "Improper right token i.e not equal t/f (True/False)."
KIacpErrLeftToken -515 "Unknown Left Token i.e not starting with 'M' for Mail or 'I' for Internet configuration"
KIacpErrSmsDataNotParsed -516 "Sms data should be parsed before commiting."
KIacpErrSmsDataNotRestored -517 "Sms data should be parsed before commiting."
KIacpScriptErrISPNotFound -518 "Mailbox configuration message specifies an unknown Internet Access Point."
KIacpErrScriptNotDefined -519 "Script not included in sms."
KIacpErrScriptNotFoundInDB -520 "There is no script in DB to append to.."
KIacpErrScriptAlreadyAdd -521 "Script cannot be add more than ounce for a each Bio Msg."

KWappErrXmlVer -601 "Wrong XML version"
KWappErrOutbound -602 "Index in exceeds boundaries"
KWappErrStringTable -603 "Bad String table reference"
KWappErrEOS -604 "Reached the end of a key descriptor"
KWappErrUnexpectedValue -605 "Expecting a different tag or content/attributes"
KWappErrNoAttributes -606 "Expecting attributes- missing"
KWappErrMandatoryTagMissing -607 "Search for a mandatory tag failed"
KWappErrStoreNotFound -608 "No store attached to this entry"
KWappErrMsgUnparsed -609 "Trying to process a message which is unparsed"
KWappErrUnrecognised -610 "Token or string is not a recognised value"
KWappErrNullValue -611 "Variable is null or has not been intialised"
KWappErrContent -612 "Empty element, particularly a problem if it's an empty characteristic- has no PARMS"
KWappErrNoDBRecords -613 "Could not find a first record in the COMMDB"
KWappErrNotSupported -614 "Not Supported - WAP specific"
KWappErrBadMessage -615 "Data content/format of message is invalid"
KWappErrNoTermination -616 "Terminating byte missing from string or data element."

More Wap errors can be found in the ranges -5300..-5500 and -10000..-10025. See below.

KErrExtended -1000
KErrExtendedWithText -1001
KLeaveWithoutAlert -1002
KLeaveExit -1003

ETEL Errors
KErrEtelNotCallOwner -2000
KErrEtelDuplicatePhoneName -2001
KErrEtelAlreadyCallOwner -2002
KErrEtelNoCarrier -2003 "Problem communicating receiving device. Call was unexpectedly dropped"
KErrEtelBusyDetected -2004 "Phone number is busy. Wait before trying again"
KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall -2005
KErrEtelInitialisationFailure -2006
KErrEtelCallNotActive -2007
KErrEtelNoAnswer -2008 "Call was not answered"
KErrEtelNoDialTone -2009
KErrEtelConfigPortFailure -2010
KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated -2011
KErrEtelNotFaxOwner -2012
KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient -2013
KErrEtelWrongModemType -2014
KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability -2015
KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding -2016
KErrEtelModemNotDetected -2017 "Phone is turned off or not ready. Check phone and try again"
KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt -2018
KErrEtelPortAlreadyLoaned -2019 "The Data port is in use by another call or application."
KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive -2020 "Another call active. Close it before opening a new one"

NetDial Errors
KErrExitNoModem -3001 "No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on"
KErrExitModemError -3002 "Problem communicating with Internet service's modem"
KErrExitLoginFail -3003 "Internet username or password is incorrect."
KErrExitScriptTimeOut -3004 "Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect."
KErrExitScriptError -3005 "Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect."
KErrNetDialDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3006 "No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialDatabaseTypeUnknown -3007 "No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialDatabaseNotFound -3008 "No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialHscsdNotSupported -3009

TCP/IP (v4)
KErrIfAuthenticationFailure -3050 "Internet username or password is incorrect"
KErrIfAuthNotSecure -3051 "Internet service server only allows plain text authentication. This is currently disabled.
KErrIfAccountDisabled -3052 "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account has been disabled"
KErrIfRestrictedLogonHours -3053 "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account is only active during restricted hours"
KErrIfPasswdExpired -3054 "Could not connect to Internet service. Your Internet password has expired"
KErrIfNoDialInPermission -3055 "Could not connect to Internet service. Your do not have dial-in permission"
KErrIfChangingPassword -3056
KErrIfCallbackNotAcceptable -3057 "Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported"
KErrIfDNSNotFound -3058 "Could not find specified Internet server"
KErrIfLRDBadLine -3059 "Bad line to Internet service dropped"
KErrIfNoServerPresent -3060
KErrIfRemoteDisconnected -3061

More TCP/IP errors below (in the -5100 range).

KErrGenConnDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3606 "No Internet accounts have been set up. Set up an account in Control panel."
KErrGenConnDatabaseTypeUnknown -3607 "CommDb error"
KErrGenConnDatabaseNotFound -3608 "CommDb error"
KErrGenConnNoGPRSNetwork -3609 "No Packet network available"
KErrGenConnIncorrectMSClass -3610 "Phone capabilities insufficient for required services"
KErrGenConnInadequateSignalStrengh -3611 "Signal strength too low for connection, try again later"
KErrGenConnStateMachineNotAvailable -3612 "State Machine not available for connection"

Etel GSM Errors
Radio Resource Layer (GSM 4.08)
KErrGsmRRUnspecifedAbnormalRelease -4001
KErrGsmRRChannelUnacceptable -4002
KErrGsmRRTimerExpired -4003
KErrGsmRRNoActivityOnRadioPath -4004
KErrGsmRRPreEmptiveRelease -4005
KErrGsmRRCallAlreadyCleared -4065
KErrGsmRRInvalidMessage -4095
KErrGsmRRNonExistentMessage -4097
KErrGsmRRIncompatibleMessageWithCallState -4098
KErrGsmRRInvalidInformationElement -4100
KErrGsmRRUnspecifiedProtocolError -4111
Mobility Management Layer (GSM 4.08)
KErrGsmMMUnallocatedTmsi -4129
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInHlr -4130
KErrGsmMMIllegalMs -4131
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInVlr -4132
KErrGsmMMImeiNotAccepted -4133
KErrGsmMMIllegalMe -4134
KErrGsmMMPlmnNotAllowed -4139
KErrGsmMMLocationAreaNotAllowed -4140
KErrGsmMMRoamingNotAllowedInThisLocationArea -4141
KErrGsmMMNoSuitableCellsInArea -4143
KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure -4145
KErrGsmMMMacFailure -4148
KErrGsmMMSynchFailure -4149
KErrGsmMMCongestion -4150
KErrGsmMMGsmAuthenticationUnacceptable -4151
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSupported -4160
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSubscribed -4161
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionTemporaryOutOfOrder -4162
KErrGsmMMCallCanNotBeIdentified -4166
KErrGsmMMSemanticErrorInMessage -4223
KErrGsmMMMandatoryInformationElementError -4224
KErrGsmMMNonExistentMessageType -4225
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithProtocolState -4226
KErrGsmMMNonExistentInformationElement -4227
KErrGsmMMConditionalIEError -4228
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithCallState -4229
KErrGsmMMUnspecifiedProtocolError -4239
Call Control Layer (GSM 04.08)
KErrGsmCCUnassignedNumber -4257
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToTransitNetwork -4258
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToDestination -4259
KErrGsmCCChannelUnacceptable -4262
KErrGsmCCOperatorDeterminedBarring -4264
KErrGsmCCNormalCallClearing -4272
KErrGsmCCUserBusy -4273
KErrGsmCCUserNotResponding -4274
KErrGsmCCUserAlertingNoAnswer -4275
KErrGsmCCCallRejected -4277
KErrGsmCCNumberChanged -4278
KErrGsmCCPreemption -4281
KErrGsmCCNonSelectedUserClearing -4282
KErrGsmCCDestinationOutOfOrder -4283
KErrGsmCCInvalidNumberFormat -4284
KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected -4285
KErrGsmCCResponseToStatusEnquiry -4286
KErrGsmCCNormalUnspecified -4287
KErrGsmCCNoChannelAvailable -4290
KErrGsmCCNetworkOutOfOrder -4294
KErrGsmCCTemporaryFailure -4297
KErrGsmCCSwitchingEquipmentCongestion -4298
KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded -4299
KErrGsmCCRequestedChannelNotAvailable -4300
KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable -4303
KErrGsmCCQualityOfServiceNotAvailable -4305
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed -4306
KErrGsmCCIncomingCallsBarredInCug -4311
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotAuthorised -4313
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotCurrentlyAvailable -4314
KErrGsmCCServiceNotAvailable -4319
KErrGsmCCBearerServiceNotImplemented -4321
KErrGsmCCChannelTypeNotImplemented -4322
KErrGsmCCAcmGreaterThanAcmMax -4324
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotImplemented -4325
KErrGsmCCOnlyRestrictedDigitalInformationBCAvailable -4326
KErrGsmCCServiceNotImplemented -4335
KErrGsmCCInvalidCallReferenceValue -4337
KErrGsmCCChannelDoesNotExist -4338
KErrGsmCCSuspendedCallExistsButCallIdentityDoesNotWork -4339
KErrGsmCCCallIdentityInUse -4340
KErrGsmCCNoCallSuspended -4341
KErrGsmCCRequestedCallIdentityAlreadyCleared -4342
KErrGsmCCUserNotInCug -4343
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleDestination -4344
KErrGsmCCInvalidTransitNetworkSelection -4347
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleSegmentedMessage -4350
KErrGsmCCSemanticallyIncorrectMessage -4351
KErrGsmCCInvalidMandatoryInformation -4352
KErrGsmCCNonExistentMessageType -4353
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInProtocolState -4354
KErrGsmCCNonExistentInformationElement -4355
KErrGsmCCConditionalIEError -4356
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInCallState -4357
KErrGsmCCRecoveryOnTimerExpiry -4358
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedProtocolError -4367
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedInterworkingError -4383
Supplementary Services Layer (GSM 04.80)
KErrGsmSSUnknownSubscriber -4385
KErrGsmSSIllegalSubscriber -4393
KErrGsmSSBearerServiceNotProvisioned -4394
KErrGsmSSTeleserviceNotProvisioned -4395
KErrGsmSSIllegalEquipment -4396
KErrGsmSSCallBarred -4397
KErrGsmSSIllegalOperation -4400
KErrGsmSSErrorStatus -4401
KErrGsmSSNotAvailable -4402
KErrGsmSSSubscriptionViolation -4403
KErrGsmSSIncompatibility -4404
KErrGsmSSFacilityNotSupported -4405
KErrGsmSSAbsentSubscriber -4411
KErrGsmSSSystemFailure -4418
KErrGsmSSDataMissing -4419
KErrGsmSSUnexpectedDataValue -4420
KErrGsmSSPasswordRegistrationFailure -4421
KErrGsmSSNegativePasswordCheck -4422
KErrGsmSSPasswordAttemptsViolation -4427
KErrGsmSSUnknownAlphabet -4455
KErrGsmSSUssdBusy -4456
KErrGsmSSMaxNumMptyParticipants -4510
KErrGsmSSResourcesUnavailable -4511
SMS Layer (GSM 04.11)
KErrGsmSMSUnassignedNumber -4513
KErrGsmSMSOperatorDeterminedBarring -4520
KErrGsmSMSCallBarred -4522
KErrGsmSMSReserved -4523
KErrGsmSMSNetworkFailure -4529
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageTransferRejected -4533
KErrGsmSMSMemoryCapacityExceeded -4534
KErrGsmSMSDestinationOutOfOrder -4539
KErrGsmSMSUnidentifiedSubscriber -4540
KErrGsmSMSFacilityRejected -4541
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSubscriber -4542
KErrGsmSMSNetworkOutOfOrder -4550
KErrGsmSMSTemporaryFailure -4553
KErrGsmSMSCongestion -4554
KErrGsmSMSResourcesUnavailable -4559
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed -4562
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotImplemented -4581
KErrGsmSMSInvalidShortMessageTransferReferenceValue -4593
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInvalidMessage -4607
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMandatoryInformation -4608
KErrGsmSMSNonExistentMessageType -4609
KErrGsmSMSIncompatibleMessageWithSmsProtocolState -4610
KErrGsmSMSInformationElementNotImplemented -4611
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedProtocolError -4623
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInterworkingError -4639
SMS Layer (GSM 03.40)
KErrGsmSMSTelematicInterworkingNotSupported -4640
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageType0NotSupported -4641
KErrGsmSMSCannotReplaceShortMessage -4642
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedPIDError -4655
KErrGsmSMSDataCodingSchemeNotSupported -4656
KErrGsmSMSMessageClassNotSupported -4657
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedDCSError -4671
KErrGsmSMSCommandCannotBeActioned -4672
KErrGsmSMSCommandNotSupported -4673
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedCommandError -4687
KErrGsmSMSTpduNotSupported -4688
KErrGsmSMSServiceCentreBusy -4704
KErrGsmSMSNoSCSubscription -4705
KErrGsmSMSSCSystemFailure -4706
KErrGsmSMSInvalidSMEAddress -4707
KErrGsmSMSDestinationSMEBarred -4708
KErrGsmSMSDuplicateSM -4709
KErrGsmSMSTPVPFNotSupported -4710
KErrGsmSMSTPVPNotSupported -4711
KErrGsmSMSSimSMSStorageFull -4720
KErrGsmSMSNoSMSStorageCapabilityInSim -4721
KErrGsmSMSErrorInMS -4722
KErrGsmSMSMemCapacityExceeded -4723
KErrGsmSMSSimAppToolkitBusy -4724
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedErrorCause -4767
SMS / AT Commands (GSM 07.05)
KErrGsmSMSFailureInME -4812
KErrGsmSMSServiceOfMSReserved -4813
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotAllowed -4814
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotSupported -4815
KErrGsmSMSInvalidPDUModeParameter -4816
KErrGsmSMSInvalidTextModeParameter -4817
KErrGsmSMSSimNotInserted -4822
KErrGsmSMSSimPin1Required -4823
KErrGsmSMSPhoneToSimLockRequired -4824
KErrGsmSMSSimFailure -4825
KErrGsmSMSSimBusy -4826
KErrGsmSMSSimWrong -4827
KErrGsmSMSSimPuk1Required -4828
KErrGsmSMSPin2Required -4829
KErrGsmSMSPuk2Required -4830
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFailure -4832
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMemoryIndex -4833
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFull -4834
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSCAddress -4842
KErrGsmSMSNoNetworkService -4843
KErrGsmSMSNetworkTimeout -4844
KErrGsmSMSCnmaAckNotExpected -4852
KErrGsmSMSUnknownError -5012

URI Utils Errors
KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex -5000 Error specifying the use of an invalid component index
KUriUtilsErrBadBasePath -5001 Error specifying the use of a base uri path is not absolute and not empty
KUriUtilsErrBufferOverflow -5002 Error specifying that a buffer is not big enough to append a component and delimiters
KUriUtilsErrBadDelimitedParserMode -5003 Error specifying the use of an supported parsing mode
KUriUtilsErrNoDelimiter -5004 Error specifying that the delimiting character is not set
KUriUtilsErrNotParsed -5005 Error specifying that the data has not been parsed
KUriUtilsErr16BitChar -5006 Error specifying that a 16-bit character was found in data to be escape encode
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeTriple -5007 Error specifying that a badly formed escape triple was found in data being escape decoded
KUriUtilsCannotConvert -5008 Error specifying that charconv was unable to convert the input data
KUriUtilsErrEmptyData -5009 Error specifying that there was empty data
KUriUtilsErrNoIntegerInData -5010 Error specifying that there is no character representation of an integer
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri -5011 Error code specifying an invalid uri
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeMode -5012 Error code for unsupported escaping mode
KUriUtilsErrBadTextRemoveMode -5013 Error code for unsupported text whitespace removal mode
KUriUtilsErrDecodeMalformedQuotedString -5014 Quoted string could not be decoded as it is malformed

GSM AT Commands Errors
KErrGsm0707PhoneFailure -5024
KErrGsm0707NoConnectionToPhone -5025
KErrGsm0707PhoneLinkReserved -5026
KErrGsm0707OperationNotAllowed -5027
KErrGsm0707OperationNotSupported -5028
KErrGsm0707PhoneToSimLockRequired -5029
KErrGsm0707SimNotInserted -5034
KErrGsm0707SimPin1Required -5035
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk1Required -5036
KErrGsm0707SimFailure -5037
KErrGsm0707SimBusy -5038
KErrGsm0707SimWrong -5039
KErrGsm0707IncorrectPassword -5040
KErrGsm0707SimPin2Required -5041
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk2Required -5042
KErrGsm0707MemoryFull -5044
KErrGsm0707InvalidIndex -5045
KErrGsm0707NotFound -5046
KErrGsm0707MemoryFailure -5047
KErrGsm0707TextStringTooLong -5048
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInTextString -5049
KErrGsm0707DialStringTooLong -5050
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInDialString -5051
KErrGsm0707NoNetworkService -5054
KErrGsm0707NetworkTimeout -5055
KErrGsm0707UnknownError -5124

TCP/IP (v6)
tcpip6_error_NoDestination -5100 IPv6: flow has no destination address
tcpip6_error_NoPathMtu -5101 IPv6: Misconfigured driver not giving proper MTU
tcpip6_error_ShortPacket -5102 IPv6: A packet in RMBUF is too short
tcpip6_error_DuplicateAddress -5103 IPv6: Duplicate address detected on a device
tcpip6_error_AddressExpired -5104 IPv6: Source Address used by connection has expired
tcpip6_error_NoRoute -5105 IPv6: No route available

Nokia N95 : the multimedia smartphone with integrated GPS

The Nokia N95 brings a range of multimedia ingredients together, such as a fantastic display, outstanding photo and video capability and high-speed connectivity, making it the ultimate multimedia computer," said Anssi Vanjoki, Executive Vice President, Multimedia, Nokia. "This single device - which fits easily in your pocket - can replace stand-alone devices that you no longer need, whether it's your music player, your digital camera, PDA or navigation device. Most importantly, the Nokia N95 is with you and connected when you want to use it."

The innovative 2-way slide concept makes it easy to switch between different modes, going from reading maps to watching a video with a simple slide. A numeric keypad slides out from one end of the device while dedicated media keys slide out from the opposite direction, converting the display into full screen landscape mode. With powerful 3D graphics, the Nokia N95 has a stunning user interface that makes it intuitive to find the features and services you want.

With its integrated GPS at your fingertips, finding your way just got easier. The Maps application includes maps for more than 100 countries, enabling users to explore the world, find specific routes or locate services such as restaurants and hotels and covering more than 15 million points of interest. You can also purchase additional features, such as city guides and voice guided navigation.

With the Carl Zeiss optics on the 5 megapixel camera, you can capture print quality photos and DVD-like quality video clips. Photos and video clips can be enjoyed on a compatible television thanks to the device's TV out feature and support for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) technology. Designed for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) networks and with support for WLAN, EDGE and WCDMA networks, the Nokia N95 provides excellent coverage and speeds wherever you may be. In HSDPA networks, browsing the internet, reading email, streaming video and downloading large files can be carried out up to 10 times faster than with 3G.

The Nokia N95 also offers a first class entertainment experience with the combination of a large 2.6" QVGA 16 million color display, impressive 3D graphics, built-in stereo speakers offering a 3D stereo effect, standard 3.5 mm audio jack, support for compatible microSD cards and mini USB for convenient data transfer. Browsing the internet on the Nokia N95 is a pleasure using the Nokia Web Browser with Mini Map, with new features such as a floating toolbar, password manager and auto complete, as well as web feeds with support for Atom and auto update. The Nokia N95 is based on the world's leading S60 software on Symbian OS, enabling you to personalize your device from a wide choice of compatible applications that can be downloaded to the Nokia N95, including games, navigation, entertainment, productivity and creativity. The Nokia N95 comes out of the box ready to create, connect, consume and interact with some of the internet's most popular services. Use Yahoo! Search to search for and find most anything on the web, scroll though a book with Amazon's MobiPocket Reader or snap a photo and send it directly to your Flickr site.

Nokia 6630: world's smallest 3G megapixel phone is running Series 60

Nokia 6630, the first mobile phone to combine the benefits of 3G, EDGE and the Series 60 platform. Offering always-connected email, mobile broadband access to multimedia content, live video streaming the Nokia 6630 phone makes 3G a reality for a growing number of people.

"As the latest addition to our WCDMA portfolio, the Nokia 6630 shows our firm commitment to deliver intelligent and attractive 3G devices to the mass market that can be configured and customized to meet the demands of consumers, operators and trade customers," says Anssi Vanjoki, Executive Vice President & General Manager, Multimedia, Nokia. "The Nokia 6630 is built for speed and smart working. It offers high-quality performance with leading operating times as well as mobile broadband connections to a growing number of 3G customers."

The Nokia 6630 supports a maximum download speed of 384kbps and 128 kbps for upload. A VPN client enables secure access to corporate Intranets or email servers.

The camera has 1.23 million pixels and a 1x to 6x digital zoom. The camera features includes picture and video capture, manual exposure control, sequence mode for fast picture capture, up to 1 hour of video recording and wireless printing directly from the handset utilizing solutions by HP and Kodak. The Nokia 6630 phone also offers a digital MP3 music player.

The handset is shipped with a 64MB MultimediaCard (MMC) which leaves a total storage, including the phone file system, of 74 MB for the user data.

The Nokia 6630 is based on Symbian OS 8.0a / Series 60 platform v2.6. It is a tri-band phone for GSM 900/1800/1900, EDGE and WCDMA networks. Weighing 127 grams and measuring 110 x 60 x 20.6 mm,

Nokia N72

The Nokia N72 has high-perfomance multimedia at its core, wrapped in a beautiful pearl pink or gloss black package. The Nokia N72 offers the benefits of versatile photography, entertainment and personal productivity to people who value style as much as technology. Powerful yet stylish, the Nokia N72 is equipped with a 2 megapixel camera and integrated digital music player, with dedicated capture and music keys as well as an FM radio and support for Visual Radio.

Band GSM 900/1800/1900MHz
Size 108.8mm x 53.3mm x 17.5mm
Weight 124g
Battery Life 260 hours standby time, 3.5 hours talk time
Main Display 2.1" 262k color TFT LCD, 176x208 pixel resolution
Camera 2.0 megapixel
Video Video capture/playback at CIF (352x288 pixel) resolution, 15fps
Messaging MMS/EMS/SMS/Email
Bluetooth Yes
Infrared No
Java Yes
Memory 20MB internal memory, RS-MMC expansion
Other stereo FM radio

Nokia N73

The Nokia N73 is a stunning multimedia computer with powerful photography features and integrated stereo speakers with 3D sound. In addition to providing the standard range of Nokia Nseries multimedia experiences, the Nokia N73 includes a 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, auto focus; all in all, a package ready to challenge any digital camera.

Band GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz, WCDMA 2100MHz
Size 110mm x 49mm x 19mm
Weight 116g
Battery Life 348 hours WCDMA, 218 hours GSM standby time, 3.7 hours WCDMA, 4.5 hours GSM talk time
Main Display 2.4" 262k color TFT LCD, QVGA (320x240 pixel) resolution
Camera 3.2 megapixel with autofocus and CarlZeiss optics
Video Video capture/playback at CIF (352x288 pixel) resolution, 15fps
Messaging MMS/EMS/SMS/Email
Bluetooth Yes
Infrared Yes
Java Yes
Memory 42MB internal memory, miniSD expansion

Nokia N93

Nokia N93 is the ultimate mobile device for spontaneous video recording. With uncompromised digital camcorder, telephony and rich Internet communications functionality, it features a 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, DVD-like video capture at 30 frames per second, and 3x optical zoom with video stabilization. You can see your memories come to life on the high definition display, or connect the Nokia N93 directly to your TV for a widescreen movie experience.

The phone will be bundled with Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0. The Adobe entry-level video editing software allows video captured using the Nokia N93 can now be transferred to compatible desktop PC's to edit, burn to DVD, and export to other formats for Web streaming and email. Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 software will be included in the standard sales pack and allows consumers to fix their high-quality digital photos utilizing the large screen of a compatible PC.

Band GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz, WCDMA 2100MHz
Size 118.2mm x 55.5mm x 28.2mm
Weight 180g
Battery Life 240 hours standby time, 5 hours talk time
Main Display 2.4" 262k color TFT LCD, QVGA (240x320 pixel) resolution
Camera 3.2 megapixel, 3x optical zoom, with autofocus and CarlZeiss optics
Video Video capture/playback at VGA resolution, 30fps
Messaging MMS/EMS/SMS/Email
Bluetooth Yes
Infrared Yes
Java Yes
Memory 50MB internal memory, miniSD expansion
Other TV-out, stereo FM radio, WLAN 802.11b/g, UPnP

Nokia announce three new S60 devices: N72, N73 and N93

Berlin, Germany and Hong Kong, China - Nokia today unveiled a new range of Nokia Nseries smartphones: the N72, the N73 and the N93. Powered by Symbian OS v9 / S60 3rd edition (N73 and N93) or Symbian OS v8 / S60 v2 (N72), all these phones are oriented at making mobile multimedia easier. The N93 bringing mobile video to a new point with a 3megapixel camera, a 30fps video capture at VGA resolution, wifi and UpnP support and a direct to TV connection...

"Nokia Nseries brings mobility to those experiences which used to be linked to a place or a single purpose device. When you have a Nokia Nseries device that is always with you and connected, you no longer need to sit in front of your TV to watch your favorite program or take along a separate digital camera when you go on vacation," said Anssi Vanjoki, executive vice president and general manager of Multimedia, Nokia. "Our goal is to make it easy for people to have their favorite experiences - whether it's sharing video, browsing the Internet or buying new music - with them all the time."

The Nokia Nseries range is an iconic example of the fastest growing product category in the mobile space: converged devices. Nokia expects that the coverged device market will grow to 100 million units in 2006 and to exceed 250 million units in 2008. According to Canalys research, the converged device market reached 53 million units in 2005 with Nokia commanding more than 50 percent market share of that market.

"We launched Nokia Nseries last year to address this fast growing market and we have already sold approximately 5 million Nokia Nseries multimedia computers," explained Vanjoki. "Clearly, people want to have a device that gives them access to all digital content, all the time, wherever they are and at a reasonable cost."

Nokia also announced continued cooperation with Carl Zeiss and Adobe, as well as a new cooperation with Flickr, a Yahoo! company. All three phones, Nokia N93, Nokia N73 and Nokia N72, will be able to connect to your online Flickr account without the need to download or install any additional application. You can then upload your full size photos to Flickr directly from the camera or image Gallery application on your Nokia Nseries device. Another supported feature is the ability to add comments to the photos that are uploaded from the device.

"The Internet is evolving towards communities of people actively creating and sharing their thoughts and experiences. Working with companies like Carl Zeiss, Adobe, Flickr and others means that Nokia Nseries customers not only get the best in technology, but also the best in useability," continued Vanjoki. "It's very easy to record video, edit it so you can tell the story you want and then share the finished video with whomever you want. With Nokia Nseries, we enable people to create and share their experiences, in the way they want."

Sony Ericsson releases Mobile JUnit application testing framework for Java ME

Sony Ericsson Developer World today announced the release of a new, best practice framework for improving application quality on Java™ Platform Micro Edition (Java ME). Sony Ericsson Mobile JUnit 1.0 for Java ME Connected-Limited-Device-Configuration (CLDC) phones offers professional wireless developers easy-to-use, automated testing of mobile applications. The announcement underscores the commitment of Sony Ericsson Developer World to help developers achieve business success by providing assistance throughout the entire development and go-to-market process for commercial applications.

Sony Ericsson Mobile JUnit 1.0 is of benefit to developers of both games and complex Java enterprise applications, for example a mobile banking service. It specifically addresses the challenges of testing Java ME applications without increasing development time and costs. In order to improve the quality of an application coming to market and thereby give consumers a better user experience, developers may typically use unit testing programs, which test how a single unit of code is working. Unit testing aims to break down large applications or systems into small parts with a number of specific test cases and then test each part to ensure correct behavior, all with the aim to find and correct bugs before commercializing an application.

Unit testing for applications written in Java SE (Standard Edition) is primarily done using the popular, open-source JUnit framework, a regression testing framework allowing programmers to test their own software. With the release of the Sony Ericsson Mobile JUnit, a comprehensive set of guidelines and principles for Java ME CLDC unit testing is available for the first time.

“Testing code in Java ME, especially based on the CLDC environment, has historically presented a number of difficulties. Without an easy-to-use testing framework, developers were more likely to skip unit testing entirely,” says Mikael Nerde, Head of Developer Program & Content Planning at Sony Ericsson. He continues, “This meant that the only time developers could truly identify an issue was when the application had been completed and tested by a third party such as during Java Verified certification. Consequently, if any bugs were found, it could take significant time to isolate the problem code and fix it, adding development and extra testing costs. With Sony Ericsson Mobile JUnit, this can all be avoided.”

Mobile JUnit and a special interest paper can be downloaded for free from the Java Docs & Tools section of the Sony Ericsson Developer World portal . Mobile JUnit depends on the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC (WTK) and can be used with any development tool that incorporates or extends the WTK, such as the Sony Ericsson SDK for the Java ME Platform.

More details on Sony Ericsson web site

Nokia releases SDK for Nokia 6131 NFC device

It is not very common for us to publish informations about Nokia Series 40 phones, however we found this SDK quite interesting because it allows development of new payment services not available on any other phones as far as I know. As a matter of fact, the Nokia 6131 NFC SDK allows developers to create and emulate Java applications using the Contactless Communication API (JSR-257). This JSR enables the use of the Near Field Communications (NFC) features of the Nokia 6131 NFC.
The emulator offers MIDP 2.0 support, security domain emulation, Bluetooth technology emulation, and provides support for the Unified Emulator Interface (UEI). The SDK includes a plug-in that enables the SDK to be used in conjunction with the Eclipse IDE. Also included is Nokia Connectivity Framework (NCF) Lite.

SAMSUNG Unveils the Symbian OS Smartphone SGH-i400

Standard GPRS/EDGE Tri-Band (900/1800/1900)
2 MP Camera
Display 2.3” QVGA TFT (262K Colors)
Features Bluetooth 2.0 (A2DP), USB 2.0
Full Web Browsing / Web2.0
Music Key / Dual Speaker
microSD (-4GB)
Size 101x50x15.8 mm
Weight 92g

The SGH-i400 attracts young professional users with its style and features.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., a leading provider of mobile phones and telecommunication systems, today showcased its latest Symbian OS smartphone SGH-i400 at S60 summit in Madrid, Spain.

The Samsung i400 is perfect for users who want to have all of the advanced features of a smartphone in a slim and stylish design. The new smartphone i400 is based on Symbian OS and S60 which offer extensive language supports, enhanced download applications and multitasking features. With Symbian S60, the Samsung i400 allows its users to install programs on their mobile phones just like PCs. The stylish slider phone supports full web browsing and Bluetooth connectivity for active business users. To enhance its multimedia features, the Samsung i400 also includes 2 Megapixel camera, music key and stereo dual speaker. Moreover, the i400 has a 2.3” wide display for the convenient use of business and multimedia functions.

Nokia 5700 XpressMusic: Adding a new twist to mobile music

Finland - Today, Nokia revealed the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic, an accessible 3G smartphone augmented by a dedicated audio chip for enhanced music performance. The Nokia 5700 XpressMusic features an iconic twist design that easily switches between four modes at the flick of the wrist - music player, 2 Megapixel camera, video call and smartphone. Combining the benefits of a music-oriented, multipurpose device featuring 3G dataspeeds, the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic is expected to retail for an estimated EUR 350 before taxes and subsidies during the second quarter of 2007
The Nokia 5700 XpressMusic adds a new twist to the mobile music experience with compatibility for tracks purchased from many Internet music stores," says Heikki Norta, Senior Vice President, Mobile Phones, Nokia. "In addition the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic features a dedicated audio chip for improved music performance which consumers can further enhance by selecting from an ever increasing line of compatible audio enhancements."

Using an optional 2GB MicroSD card, the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic supports up to 1500 tracks that can be enjoyed using Bluetooth stereo headphones, with their own favorite 3.5mm plug-equipped headphones and the included headset adaptor or through built-in stereo loudspeakers. Loading songs onto the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic is fast and easy as consumers can choose from a broad range of supported digital formats, including WMA, MP3, AAC, as well as eAAC+ and MP4. When purchasing music online, shoppers again have the luxury of choice as they can select from a range of Internet music stores, also those utilizing Windows Media Player Digital Rights management (WMDRM). The optimized music player in the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic supports album art, playlists, plus a 5-band equalizer and audio visualizations.

3G and video are part of the package
More than a music-only device, the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic brings videos to life on a vibrant color screen supporting up to 16 million colors for exceptional video playback. With 3G high-speed data connectivity, the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic makes browsing, downloading and streaming multimedia content much more convenient and faster than before. A video call feature and the built-in 2 Megapixel camera make it easy to share moments with friends and family.

The Nokia 5700 XpressMusic is based on the world's leading S60 software running on Symbian OS. S60 enables consumers to personalize their device with a wide choice of compatible applications that can be downloaded to the Nokia 5700 XpressMusic, including games, navigation, entertainment, productivity and creativity.